Mount Hebron United Methodish Church Cemetery

Located on Route 646 North East of Mt Olive, Virginia.  Take
Back Road, 623 North from Mt. Olive about one quarter mile. 
Left on 646, church and cemetery approximately one half mile on

The following was excerpted from an abstract by Daniel Bly of Levi Pitman's Diary.

Oct. 31, 1847.  This day our new Church was dedicated and named
Mount Hebron.  The House was crowded and did not contain half
that were there.  The first sermon was in German by Rev.
Burtner and then one in English by Rev. Harkwood.  A collection
was taken up, 32 dollars.  

Feb. 24, 1872  I went to Mt. Hebron to open for the funeral of
Mary Ann Funkhouser (wife of J. H.) which came off about 10 in
the presence of a very large audience.  Rev. Brimm preached.

Feb. 25, 1872 Abraham Grove's funeral at Mt. Hebron. 

Nov. 2, 1872.  Mt. Hebron was opened for the funeral of old Mrs.
Black, mother in law of Jonathan Clem.

Oct. 11, 1873  Opened Mt. Hebron for the funeral of Noah
Hockman's wife.

Mar. 10.  John W. Hockman's daughter Elizabeth's funeral was
held at Mt. Hebron.  She was 11 months old.

May 14, 1879  We went to Mt. Hebron to attend William Clem's

Aug. 1, 1882.  Old Tewalt was buried at the new graveyard at Mt.
Hebron Church yesterday. 

Sept. 17, 1882  We all went to Mt. Hebron Church to attend the
funeral of William Funkhouser.  There was a very large gathering
of people present.  Rev. J. Hicks, Rev. Ludwig with Rev. G. Noss
were present.  The text was Job. Ch. 14; verse 14.  Rev. Ludwig
closed the service.

Jan. 6, 1884 Went with Victoria to Mt. Hebron Church where we
met Rev. Hicks and sister, Susan Fisher and her family for a
solemn funeral service for Frank Fisher who died in Kansas about
10 days ago.

Sept. 16, 1885 My son William's funeral came off today.  We met
people at the residence and a hearse came from Woodstock.  We
formed a long procession to Mt. Hebron Church where his body was
interred.  His age is 35 yrs. and 19 days.

May 11, 1888 Judge Calbert paid me 5 dollars for tuning his
piano.  Daniel Sibert brought his mother's body from Ohio and
she was buried in Mt. Olive today.  Cornelius Beeler's son was
buried at Mt. Hebron.

John H. Snarr 1844 - 1920
Bettie E. Snarr 1847 - 1917 wife

Julius C. Townes 1865 - 1929 
Clara F. Townes 1874 - 1965 

Paul P. Baker 1900-1957 

Mildred H. Baker 1899 - 1941 

Joseph L. died Dec 24, 1870 son of Geo & Elizabeth Funkhouser
age 1-1-22

Mary daughter of George & Elizabeth Funkhouser bn Nov 15, 1865
died __

Elizabeth wife of Geo Funkhouser bn May 7, 1828 died April 7,

George Funkhouser bn Jan 11, 1812 died July 8, 1881

Calvin Sonner