Location: Take Route 609 East of Woodstock to Wenger
Farm. Top of hill in field.
1. Mary L. Sherman Oct. 2, 1825 Dec. 15, 1914 aged 89 yrs 2 mo
5 ds
2. Mary Hisey born Apr. 12, 1805 died Aug. 4, 1862 aged 57 yrs
3 mo 23 days
3. Isabel Hockman born Mar 13, 1826 died June 10, 1884 aged 58
yrs 2 mo & 27 days
4. Harrison Hockman born Jan 2nd 1819 & died Oct. 21st, 1852
aged 33 years 9 months & 19 days
5. Catherine Hockman born Sept. 1, 1821 departed this life Mar.
10, 1883
6. Elizabeth Hockman born Oct. 28, 1794 departed this life Dec.
11, 1850
7. Jacob Hockman born Jan 6, 1792 departed this life Nov. 15,
8. Eliza McInturff born Feb. 1, 1824 departed this life May 30,