Located at Lebanon Church, Virginia. Route 55 West of Strasburg.
of Lebanon Church Cemetery
1. M. G. Kerber born in Germany died Dec'r 12, 1895 aged
2. Mamie V. daughter of C. H. and Nannie R. Whittington
Feb. 15, 1897 died July 7, 1897
3. Charles L. Whittington 1839 - 1916
Martha T. Shaw 1833 - 1927
4. James L. Whittington 1902 - 1945
5. Floyd David Sine 1903 - 1963
6. John B. Sine 1870 - 1946
7. Robert D. McDonald June 24, 1849 Jan. 20, 1930
8. Elizabeth A. wife of R. D. McDonald Oct. 8, 1851 Feb.
9. Lucy E. Dinges Feb. 13, 1893 Nov. 8, 1964
10. Infant daughter of J. W. and V. O. McDonald died
Feb. 28,
11. Joseph McDonald Sept. 6, 1844 May 7, 1899 aged 54
yrs 8 mos
1 day
12. Mary A. wife of Joseph McDonald Dec. 2, 1836 May
17, 1908
age 72 yrs 5 mo 8 dys
13. Thomas L. McDonald Jan. 28, 1868 Mar. 17, 1913 aged
45 yrs
1 mo 17 dys
14. Daughter of J. and M. A. McDonald Oct. 9, 1910 Nov.
1915 age 5 yrs 1 mo 19 dys
15. Mahlon A. McDonald May 3, 1871 Dec. 6, 1945
Mary A. Nov. 15, 1880 Apr. 3, 1939
16. John W. McDonald Sept. 1, 1879 Feb. 1, 1938
17. Katie C. McDonald Nov. 23, 1883 July 2, 1957
18. Fannie Kline Conner 1875 - 1909
19. Emma Viola Smith 1894 - 1952
20. Minnie M. Colvin April 6, 1879 Sept. 15, 1958
James E. Colvin Feb. 8, 1872 Feb. 3, 1948
21. John H. Miller Dec. 24, 1834 Dec. 4, 1907 Age 73
yrs 11 mo
10 ds
22. Mary A. wife of John H. Miller Jan. 20, 1838 Mar.
18, 1910
age 72 yrs 1 mo 9 ds
23. Luther Branson Miller Dec. 28, 1872 Oct. 13, 1957
age 84
yrs 9 mo 15 ds
24. J. W. H.
25. Arthur son of A. W. and L. L. Rusmiselle died Nov.
30, 1890
26. Capt. R. D. Funkhouser born April 9, 1837 died Jan.
9, 1914
Josefa wife of Capt. R. D. Funkhouser born Dec. 30, 1848
died Aug. 9, 1898
Anna A. daughter of Capt. R. D. and J. Funkhouser born
Apr. 2, 1872 died July 2, 1878
27. Mary Mattie born Dec. 30th 1845 died June 2nd , 1854
erected by her fond parents Jos. and Rebecca C. Mountz
28. Joseph Mountz born Apr. 10, 1819 died Oct. 4, 1871
Rebecca C. wife of Joseph Mountz born Nov. 1812 died
12, 1886
29. William D. Rusmiselle 1852 - 1931
Rev. Wm. Rusmiselle born Apr. 3, 1816 died Dec. 30, 1892
W. E. Rusmiselle son of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Rusmiselle
July 23, 1883 Nov. 20, 1924
Dr. Arthur W. Rusmiselle 1849 - 1933
Laura S. his wife 1861 - 1931
Fannie wife of Rev. Wm. Rusmiselle born Oct. 22, 1820
died Oct. 22, 1890
30. Nora E. Pangle Sept. 10, 1868 Mar. 2, 1947
31. R. Strother Pangle Mar. 13, 1840 Feb. 8 190(3)??
Emily E. Strother his wife Aug. 15, 1841 June 2, 1888
32. David A. Glaize 1867 - 1955
Martha E. Glaize 1872 - 1960
33. Bettie M. daughter of John H. and Mary J. Funkhouser
Mar. 11th, 1868 died Mar. 8th, 1882 aged 13 yrs 11 mos
28 ds
34. John Henry Funkhouser Oct. 28, 1835 Sept. 26, 1914
35. Mary J. wife of J. H. Funkhouser Feb. 12, 1846 May
1, 1929
36. John B. Miller Sept. 28, 1883 June 21, 1959
37. Daniel Funkhouser who was born July 20th, 1769 and
this life February 28, 1816 aged 76 yrs 7 months and
8 days.
38. Catherine Funkhouser who was born August 19th, 1774
departed this life June 15, 1848 aged 73 years 9
months and 26 days.
39. Sophia Funkhouser born Jan. 25, 1844 died Oct. 15,
aged 17 yrs 3 mos and 21 days
40. Mary Funkhouser born July 15th, 1837 died Sept. 19,
aged 27 yrs 2 mo and 4 days.
41. Elizabeth wife of A. R. Funkhouser born Sept. 20,
1816 died
Oct'r 2, 1886 aged 70 years and 12 days.
42. Absalom B. Funkhouser born Nov'r 24, 1811 died July
1890 aged 78 years and 8 mos
43. Rebecca Funkhouser Dec. 7, 1855 Dec. 30, 1941
44. Isaiah Funkhouser Aug. 11, 1848 Mar. 26, 1915
45. Mary Ann Bierer daughter of Isaaih and Rebecca Funkhouser
June 16, 1880 Aug. 18, 1905
46. Levi Funkhouser died April 10, 1884 aged 68 years
and 2
47. Mary Ann wife of Levi Funkhouser died Feb'y 4, 1898
aged 75
yrs 11 mos 7 days
48. Arthur Funkhouser died July 9th, 1875 aged 21 years
9 mos
and 1 day
49. Julia Henkel daughter of Isaiah and Rebecca Funkhouser
April 11, 1885 aged 4 mos and 26 ds.
50. Anna Maria daughter of Isaiah and Rebecca Funkhouser
Nov'r 8, 1897 aged 14 yrs 10 mos and 26 ds
51. Isaiah Funkhouser son of Mary Ann and Levi Funkhouser
11, 1848 Mar. 26, 1915
Rebecca Henkel his wife Dec. 7, 1855 Dec. 30, 1941
daughter of Dr. Solon Henkel of New Market, VA.
52. Solon Isaiah Funkhouser only son of Isaiah and Rebecca
9, 1890 Dec. 26, 1949
53. Bertha L. Feely Apr. 5, 1871 Aug. 5, 1944
54. Walter C. Feely Apr. 27, 1876 Oct. 7, 1936
55. John E. Feely Sept. 6, 1836 Mar. 22, 1925
Lydia E. his wife Apr. 15, 1853 Sept. 14, 1929
56. Silas R. Feely Mar. 31, 1847 Dec. 15, 1932
57. Olivia J. wife of S. R. Feely born Jan'y 17, 1852
Nov'r 2nd, 1905 aged 53 yrs 9 mos 16 ds
58. Clifford son of W. C. and Bertha Feely died Nov'r
24, 1902
aged 2 months
59. Willie A. son of S. R. and Olevia J. Feely born Mar.
1895 died Feb. 5, 1898 aged 2 yrs 10 mos 5 ds
60. Susan R. wife of Silas R. Feely born Feb'y 10, 1849
Aug. 22nd, 1884 aged 35 yrs 6 mos 12 ds
61. William A. Feely Sept. 8, 1839 July 4. 1924
62. A. B. Feely born April 27, 1806 died Feb. 23rd, 1887
80 yrs 9 mos 26 days
63. Christena E. wife of A. B. Feely born Oct'r 7, 1814
Aug't 6th, 1887 aged 72 yrs and 10 mos
64. George M. Sonner born Sept. 8, 1815 died Aug't 5th,
aged 74 yrs 7 mos 27 days
65. Eveline Sonner born April 9, 1821 died Dec'r 2nd,
1884 aged
68 yrs 8 mos 13 days
66. Margaret F. Sonner July 22, 1865 Feb. 14, 1944
67. Anthony B. Wismer died Dec. 3, 1953
68. Virginia E. Campbell wife of Earl G. Helsley 1899
- 1952
69. James I. Ewers 1847 - 1905
Sallie C. Ewers 1856 - 1929
70. Joseph C. Campbell Aug. 4, 1890 Dec. 17, 1953
Joseph C. Campbell Virginia Sgt. Co. A. 318 Inf. 80 Div.
World War I Aug. 4, 1890 - Dec. 17, 1953
71. Mary C. daughter of J. C. and M. L. Campbell 1932
- 1939
72. Philip J. Campbell 1859 - 1915
Mary C. 1864 - 1940
73. John W. Rudolph Apr. 10, 1823 Apr 5, 1895
Rachel A. June 27, 1822 Feb 1, 1895
74. Wm. Arthur Barton 1865 - 1922
75. Effie May daughter of P. J. and M. C. Campbell died
Oct. 6,
76. John F. Barton died Oct. 8, 1888 aged 59 yrs 11 mos
and 23
77. Sarah wife of John F. Barton born Feb'y 27, 1830
died June
9, 1874 aged 44 years 3 mos 12 ds.
78. Rebecca M. wife of William Windle Mar. 8, 1832 April
79. William Windle Aug. 21, 1836 Jan 10, 1901
80. Fannie wife of Wm. Windle died Dec. 16, 1908 aged
66 years.
81. William O. Seiver born Mar. 23, 1816 died Feb. 16,
aged 71 years 10 mos and 23 ds
82. Ann Margaret wife of Frederick Seiver
83. James M. Whittington died Oct. 28, 1901 aged 58 years.
84. Sarah Jane wife of David M. Pingley May 29, 1840
Mar. 13,
85. David M. Pingley Dec. 11, 1833 July 11, 1908
86. Charles H. Pingley Mar. 13, 1870 Feb. 21, 1947
87. Annie Laura Pingley Sept. 14, 1880 Sept. 22, 1902
88. James A. Pingley June 7, 1835 July 19, 1920
89. Eliza Clower Sept. 13, 1807 Apr. 10, 1885
90. Lucinda E. wife of William Smith born June 27, 1810
May 24, 1879
91. William Whittington born Feb. 15, 1799 died Dec.
7, 1885
92. Mary C. Whittington born Mar. 9, 1840 died Feb. 16,
93. Mary wife of James R. Affleck born June 18, 1825
died Aug.
17, 1886 aged 61 yrs and 7 mos
94. James R. Affleck born Sept. 28 1823 died Sept. 4,
1887 aged
63 yrs 11 mos 7 days.
95. Twin children of W. A. and ? B. Affleck born and
died June
7, 1891
96. Wilber Lee Smith born Oct. 2, 1892 died Nov. 3, 1906
14 y 1 m 1 d
97. William L. son of I. L. and I. M. Affleck Feb. 16,
May 23, 1911
98. Ida M. wife of I. L. Affleck Dec. 1, 1862 Jan. 11,
99. Isaac Luther Affleck 1857 - 1933
100. H. Frank Campbell 1889 - 1958
101. Eliza W. Holmes Mar. 18, 1846 Dec. 12, 1930
102. Mamie E. Godlove 1871 - 1952
103. Aaron F. Godlove May 2, 1854 Mar. 18, 1930
104. Elizabeth wife of Thomas H. Smith born May 26, 1834
June 12, 1890
105. Wm. Mark Holtzman son of Samuel and Bettie Holtzman
7, 1856 Mar. 7, 1899 age 42 yrs and 8 months.
106. Kathryn E. Holtzman May 18, 1862 May 8, 1947
107. Nina L. wife of F. P. Bell Oct. 20, 1895 Dec. 25,
108. Jacob Ernest Vetter June 9, 1889 Oct. 26, 1959
109. Jacob Vetter Jan. 14, 1844 July 5, 1920
Elizabeth Vetter his wife 1 Oct. 8, 1860 Sept. 4, 1933
110. Ada Fleta daughter of Jacob and Lizzie Vetter died
25, 1898 aged 9 mos 22 days.
111. Elizabeth C. Singhass born Jan. 3, 1836 died April
112. Bakers Singhass departed this life Apr. 28, 1904
113. Godfry R. son of C. E. and E. V. Borden
114. Nancy wife of Joseph Miller born June 6th, 1802
died April
20, 1895 aged 92 yrs 10 mos 14 days
115. Emily Borden born June 12, 1839 died Feb. 16, 1923
age 83
yrs 8 mos 4 ds
116. George W. Borden Aug. 26, 1838 Dec. 28, 1889
117. Clyde P. Borden 1916 - 1944
118. Julius Jasper Keller Nov. 25, 1883 Jan. 29, 1949
119. Marcellus P. Keller Dec. 16, 1847 Apr. 8, 1894
Louisa V. Nov. 21, 1861 Nov. 25, 1898
120. Ben B. Snarr 1886 - 1955
121. Dr. Samuel Stewart Snarr June 6, 1880 Dec. 12, 1922
122. George H. Snarr 1851 - 1934
Mary B. 1854 - 1924
123. Mary D. Snarr wife of Samuel H. Snarr born June
22, 1825
died June 20, 1889 aged 73 yrs 5 mos 2 ds erected by
her son Arthur B. Snarr
124. Inf. son of W. B. and M. C. Little born and died
March 30,
125. Edwin C. Kremer Nov. 8, 1868 Jan. 11, 1943
Dora S. Dec. 17, 1877 July 2, 1951
126. Robbie K. son of Wm. and Elizabeth Kremer born Dec.
127. Ann E. wife of Wm. Kremer born June 8, 1841 died
June 5,
128. William M. Kremer Dec. 12, 1840 Apr. 27, 1914 age
73 yrs 4
mo 15 ds erected by E. C. Kremer
129. Walter B. Little 1877 - 1959
Mary C. 1878 - 1951
130. Mary Jo dau. of H. and A L. Coffelt 1947
131. Samuel C. Hockman 1874 - 1953
Abbie F. 1875 - 1948
132. Eliza C. wife of Mason Bly 1843 - 1925
133. Mason Bly Aug. 22, 1842 Oct. 21, 1904 Co. E 11 Va.
134. Glenn Hockman 1909 - 1929
135. Elwood Hockman 1916 - 1927
136. George M. Bly Dec. 25 __
137. Minnie D. Hottle Dec. 14, 1868 - Nov. 19, 1946
138. Sarah Ozella 1870 - 1908 wife of William Ribble
mother of
Jack Mason Ribble
139. Nellie B. Frisbee 1858 - 1927
140. William F. Frisbee
141. Jacob W. Bowman 1833 - 1914
Eliza his wife 1829 - 1911
Lula their dau. 1868 - 1882
142. Herman H. son of Minnie Hottle Dec. 26, 1899 July
15, 1900
143. Two infant children of D. _ and E. C. Bly died Feb.
1880 Mar. 6, 1881
144. Arthur O. son of Mason and Eliza C. Bly died Apr.
11, 1883
aged 5 yrs 5 mos and 13 days
145. Charlie Bruin son of A. B. and M. L. Snarr died
Sept. 14,
1902 aged 1 yr 5 mos and 14 days
146. Mary Ann wife of J. K. Bowman 1847 - 1922
147. Charlie O. Bowman born Sept. 9. 1870 died Mar. 13,
148. Bettie C. Bowman daughter of James K. and Mary A.
149. Russell Jacob (Bowman??) June 3, 1878 Oct. 24, 1954
150. James K. Bowman Aug. 5, 1844 Dec. 26, 1909
151 Isaac Sibert June 21, 1820 Feb. 1, 1872
Rebecca wife of Isaac Sibert Oct. 27, 1829 Dec. 22, 1899
Susan F. dau. of I. and R. Sibert Aug. 6, 1854 Dec. 24,
Mary C. dau of I. and R. Sibert Aug. 11, 1856 Jan. 24,
James E. son of I. and R. Sibert Jan. 27, 1869 July 17,
Rachel A. dau of I. and R. Sibert died Nov. 26, 1898
45 yrs
152. Atlee Hockman 1905 - 1951
153. George W. Rhoades Sept. 7, 1873 May 30, 1861
154. G. Winston Rhodes born Apr. 14, 1899 died June 21,
155. H. E. White 1840 - 1913
Agnes J. his wife 1844 - 1898
David S. White 1871 - 1902
156. Arthur A. Miller 1868 - 1947
Carrie L. 1873 - 1958
157. Grover C. Helsley Nov. 15, 1891 July 2, 1953
158. E. C. (Bill) Barton 1900 - 1951
159. Ammanda M. Hottel Mar. 28, 1836 Oct. 1, 1920
Grace H. Eberly
160. Arthur Hite Hottel July 31, 1868 Aug. 22, 1938
161. Harrison H. Hottle born Feb. 10, 1824 died Oct.
15, 1903
162. Levi F. Miller born Aug. 20, 1854 died Oct. 4, 1931
age 77
yrs 1 mo 14 ds.
163. Annie R. wife of Levi F. Miller born Jan. 7, 1846
Dec. 17, 1905
164. B. Katie Miller daughter of L. F. and A. R. Miller
Sep. 17, 1882 died Feb. 25, 1903
165. Mary E. dau. of Jacob and Rebecca A. Miller Nov.
2, 1847
Dec. 12, 1923
166. Sarah R. dau of Jacob and Rebecca A. Miller Aug.
28, 1844
Mar. 6, 1923
167. Catharine V. dau of Jacob and Rebecca A. Miller
May 10,
1862 Jan. 2, 1923
168. Margaret A. wife of Jacob Miller born Feb. 25, 1830
Feb. 22, 1903
169. Jacob Miller born Sept. 4, 1820 died Dec. 4, 1906
170. Mary M. daughter of W. S. and A. E. Barham Dec.
10, 1885
Oct. 19, 1893
171. Susanna A. Ruffner Born Nov. 17, 1818 died Aug.
24, 1904
172. Mary Elizabeth daughter of Leo and Josephine A.
Snarr born
Apr. 21, 1831 died May 22, 1931
173. Vivian Virginia dau. of H. H. and M. E. Snarr Sept.
1903 Aug. 7, 1905
174. Mary Ellen Snarr wife of H. H. Snarr Sept. 26, 1882
15, 1917
175. Cora Miller Williams 1876 - 1915
176. J. Shirley Miller July 25, 1920 Dec. 3, 1962
177. W. Clinton Miller 1872 - 1940
178. Miller Infant died Nov. 30, 1909
179. Norman E. Windle Aug. 4, 1931
180. Marty Ann Windle daughter Jan. 24, 1859 June 5,
181. Ole C. Windle Jan. 26, 1886
182. Vern J. Norris 1882 - 1960
Rose W. 1885 - 1963
183. Ola C. dau of J. H. and A. B. Kremer born Oct. 16,
1908 __
184. Joseph H. Kremer Sept. 26, 1880
Annie B. Apr. 30, 1889 Oct. 18, 1945
185. Roy C. son of E. and M. J. Whetzell May 10, 1885
Mar. 22,
1916 age 31 yrs 1 mo 18 ds.
186. Daniel H. Bowers born Mar. 5, 1837 died Apr. 8,
1917 age
80 yrs 1 mo 3 days
187. Mary R. wife of Daniel H. Bowers July 11, 1840 July
188. Robert Lee son of Daniel and Mary Bowers born Aug.
5, 1883
died Aug. 2, 1905
189. William H. Bowers 1868 - 1954
190. Earl Lee Lichliter 1898 - 1962
191. Goldie E. dau of E. B. and J. E. Snarr Nov. 8, 1923
19, 1823 age 11 days.
192. Walter F. son of J. F. and E. B. Snarr Dec. 15,
1930 Mar.
21, 1931
193. J. Frank Snarr Nov. 29, 1897 Jan. 26, 1957
194. Rebecca Virginia Himelright Apr. 5, 1927 Feb. 10,
195. Ernest Hoyde Himelright Feb. 24, 1924 Dec. 24, 1926
196. Winston R. infant of Mary D. Snarr Mar. 1916
197. Frank Bowman July 22, 1869 July 3, 1912 age 42 yrs
11 mos
19 ds
198. Alberta Bowman June 11, 1856 June 5, 1908 age 52
yrs 11
mos 26 ds.
199. Wayne S. Dellinger 1958 - 1958
200. Erasmus Whetzel Sept. 30, 1857 Jan. 27, 1932
Calvin Sonner cal@shentel.net