Property Settlement of (Johan) Philip Sonner Sr.

The appraisement of the personal Estate of Philip Sonner Senr. deceased, and appraised this 28th day of October 1808.

Philip Broback

Philip Pitman Appraisers

Rudolph Rosenberger

1.tin plate, Stoves with pipes

1 table

1 Cast maker

1 Iron Kettle and back

1 House Clock

1 jack screw

15 Trace harrow .........

1 hammer & 1 Dutch oven

1 Iron pot & 1 Dutch oven

1 ...........

2 Grubbing hoes

2 Iron rings & 1 iron wedge

1 hoe and one shovel

1 Jurn (churn?)

4 single barrels

1 iron pot and 1 spade

1 oil jug and 1 tub

2 dung forks & 1 auger

8 Buckets

1 Loom and yarns

2 Hockels??

2 small tubs

1 crosscut saw

1 small keg and coffee mill

2 baskets etc

2 ... Knifes & one .... & Saw

3 Chairs & 1 keg

1 copper kettle

2 brooms and other old lumber

1 jack reel & 1 pair of tongs

1 S. Spinning wheel & 3 rackes?

1 flour barrel & 1 saddle tree etc

1 pot rack

1 pair shovel and tongs

1 pair steel s..........

1 Book case

6 Bottles

1 Tumbler and vase

1 pair shears & 2 pair specks

5 knives and 4 forks

5 pewter plates

1 Earthen dish and 2 plates

2 Pewter ...... & 13 large spoons & 4 small do

2 Pewter dishes

3 Ladles & 1 fork

1 file & some nails

2 .... 2 razors 1 box.......1 .... & ..........

1 brush and some rosin

1 looking Glass & a pair saddle bags

1 farm .......

1 bedstead & bedding

1 tub and flask

1 keg with Whiskey

1 box with salt

1 funnel and tin cup & rope etc

1 kitchen cupboard

2 frying pans

4 sheep


second crop of hay

1 Cow

1 heifer

1 .....

1 Grind stone

1 horse


12 yds. sinew

1 large Bible

2 large Books

3 ditto

6 ditto

1 Stone Jug

1 Tailors iron goose

1 pair pump shoes

Bonds and notes and Book acct due to the Estate of Philip Sonner decd

1 Bond on Philip Brobeck with interest ....

1 Note on David Hottle

1 Bond on Michael Band

1 note on James Stephenson

1 note on Martin Fiezle with interest

George Rosenberger decd

Rudolph Rosenberger acct Do

1 note on Jacob Sibert

1 note on George Dosh paid for

1 note on Philip Brobeck

1 note on Rudolph Rosenberger

1 note on .....Mauck

1 note on Isaac Sassell?

1 note on Michael Sibert

1 note on David Funkhouser Senr.

John Dosh acct for ....... paid

Adam Kister's acct

Widow Sonner of Philip Sonner decd acct paid

Jacob Dilewick

Henry Baker book accts.

Jacob Abnets acct.

Cash received at the Sale

Jacob Hoffman bond with inst

1 Note of the said Hoffman with inst

David Treysled .... acct????

Jacob Funkhousers acct

Abraham Funkhouser acct

John Brobeck decd acct

Jacob Groves acct

John Sonner acct

Anthony Sonner acct

Jocob Sonner acct

Philip P. Sonner acct

Jacob Haas acct

Joseph Conrad acct

At a court held for the County of Shenandoah on Monday the 13 day of March 1809 this inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Philip Sonner dec'd was returned and ordered to be recorded. Testee P. Williams

Will Book ...... Page 40

Division of the estate of Philip Sonner deceased in account with Jacob Sonner and Jacob Haas Administrators.

Cash paid James Chipley for moving for the administration and advice acct.

Cash paid Frainey Sonner (widow) agreeable to and agreement between her and said Philip Sonner deceased.

Cash for Adam Keister for crying the sale pd acct.

Cash pd P. Pitman, P. Brobeck, R. Rosenberger as appraisers.

Cash paid the Clerk of the Court his note

Cash paid John Craybill for attending Court to prove the agreement between the deceased and his widow pd rect.

Cash paid John Dosh's acct. for being clerk at the sale pd rect.

Cash paid Dvd York for making the Coffin

Jacob Hoffman Bond (insolvent)

Jacob Hoffman Bond (insolvent)

Cash pd Anthony Sonner as part of his parcenary dividend pad Rect.

Cash pd Joseph Conrad & wife Margaret their dividend part of said estate pd rect.

Cash pd John Sonner in part of his parcenary dividend pd rect.

Cash pd Philip P. Sonner in part of his pecuniary division.

Cash pd Jacob Konrad & wife in part of their pecuniary division.

To cash in my hand as part of my parcenary division J. S.

To administrator Commission & for recording report

To Balance in the hand of the administrator

by the amt. of appraisement & sales

By Martin Feezles Note and Book acct.

By Jacob Hoffman Bond & Interest

By Jacob Hoffman Bond & Interest

By David Huddle Note and Interest.

By Philip Brobeck's Bond and Interest.

By Michael Bleid's Bond and Interest.

By James Stephenson's Note and Interest

By Rudolph Rosenberger's Book Acct.

By Jacob Funkhouser Book Acct.

By Abraham Funkhouser Book Acct.

By Jacob Grove's Book Acct.

By Henry Baker's Book Acct.

By Jacob Abnett's Book Acct.

By John Brobeck's Book Acct.

By John G. Kite's Book Acct.

By David Tressle's Book Acct.

By John Sonner's Acct.

By Anthony Sonner's Acct.

By Philip P. Sonner Acct.

By Jacob Haas Acct.

By Joseph Conrad Acct.

By Jacob Sonner Acct.

By Balance due from the Administrator.

Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Shenandoah to us directed We the Subscribing have settled the within mentioned Estate of Philip Sonner dec'd with the Administrator and do find sufficient vouchers for the same .... after allowing them a reasonable commission for their troubles. We find a balance in their hands of three pounds, fifteen Shillings unadministered. Given under our hand this 8th day of October 1810

Alexander Hite

David Stickley

Anthony Spengler

At a Court held for the County of Shenandoah on Monday the 8th day of October 1810 this settlement of the Estate of Philip Sonner dec'd was returned and ordered to be recorded

P. Williams