Woodstock Herald 

published by 
Williams & Bogan


Married on the 25th inst. by the Rev Mr. Schmucker Mr. John Altoerfer to Miss Catharine Hass daughter of Mr. Jacob Hass all of this County.

On the 25th inst by the Rev. Mr. Schmucker Mr. Abraham Smutz to Miss Magdeline Bowman dau of Mr. Daniel Bowman all of this County.

On the 30th inst at ... by the Rev. Mr. Boaten Mr. Isaiah Woods to Miss Eliza Thompson dau of Mr. Jasin Thompson all of this County.

Jacob Stover to Ann Crabill

John Swann manufacturer of Stoneware Alexandria, Virginia


By virtue of a deed of trust executed by one Philip Bussard for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain sum due to Catherine Hazel ... will be sold for cash at Philip Bussard's in the town of Strasburg the 6th of February.

Estate of Peter Swartz Upon a petition to sell three certain out lots adjoining the town of Woodstock whereof the said Peter Swartz died seized known by Nos 45, 47 & 60 .... to divided the money arising from the sale among his heirs. Anna Swartz

Married by the Rev. A. C. Booten Mr. Jacob Revercome to Miss Polly Forrer dau of Henry Forrer dec. all of the Massanutten Valley.

July 1818

Departed this life Sunday the 12th inst in the 45th year of his age Mr. John Conrad long respectable citizen of this place.

On Thursday last by Rev. A. A. Shannon Abraham Fravel Esq. to Miss Sophia Hass day of Mr. Michael Hass all of this place.

Mar 10 1819

Died Sunday last Mr. Jacob Haas an old worthy inhabitant of this County. He has left a disconsolate number of relative & friends to mourn his irreparably loss.

Henry Swann Strasburg Hotel large white house across from brick building


Married, Mr. Jacob Hass to Miss Catharine Pitman dau of Emanuel Pitman

Michael Hass sale of residence at Woodstock, Milch cows etc. Sold tannery earlier.


Tavern of Christian Hoffman in Strasburg

Dead Miss Catharine Windle dau of Augustine Windle aged 13 years and 8 months.


Shenandoah County Census Census 1810 Free white Males 6413 Free white Females 6085 All other free persons 156 Slaves 1130 Total 13.784 Census 1800 Free white Males 6684 Free white Females 6276 All other free persons 85 Slaves 791 Total 13,836 Census 1820 Free white males 8187 Free white females 8522 Male slaves 1017 Female slaves 884 M. free Negro 141 F. free Negro 174 Total 18925 Census 1820 Strasburg Free white Males 170 Free white females 173 Male slaves 16 Female slaves 24 Total 383

Feb. 7 1821 Died John Stover Monday of a long protracted and distressing illness Mr. John Stover a native of this County in his 77 year of age. It may truly be said he "died a honest man" lamented by his numerous friends and acquaintances as an irreparable loss.

Child's death in Fort Valley.

Feb. 21 Sale of John Stover dec. property at Narrow Passage. Sale of Benjamin Bowman estate near Woodstock.

Wednesday April 1821. The school now conducted by Mr. Hass at Stovers School House 5 miles west from Woodstock will be continued by the subscriber (should Mr. Hass decline) if the numbers of pupils will warrant it, in three weeks time P. Hausbrough

Died on Sunday last Miss Framey Stover dau of Mr. John Stover late of Narrow Passage deceased.

May 2, 1821 On the 20th of March last in New Lexington Indiana Dr. Leroy C. Downey to Miss Catharine Hass day of Mr. Michael Hass late of this place.

On the 29th of March last in New Lexington Indiana the Rev. Calvin W. Ruter to Harriet C. Cutter consort of Mr. Otway Cutler dec. and dau of Mr. Michel Hass late of this place.

Died May 23 Mary Hackman of a cancer irruption, 41.

Married Miss Elizabeth Anderson to Mr. J. R. McGaurey.

Married on the 14 Mr. Samuel Windle to Miss Anna Smutz.

On the 23rd Mr. Lawrence Delauder aged 84 from the state of Ohio to Mrs. Mary Seibert aged 65 of the County.

Married Sept. 6 Samuel Anderson Esq. to Mrs. Mary R. Branham in the neighborhood of Front Royal.

Nov. 14, 1821 Public sale. Trustee sale Joseph Bowman now dec'd son of Peter Henry Hockman son of Abraham . House and lot of land contain 4 acres and 42 poles lying on the North River near Strasburg.

Public Sale Property of Jacob Lockmiller dec'd situate on Cedar Creek Shenandoah County near Rudolphs Mill containing 191 acres more or less. good dwelling house barn and other out houses with an excellent orchard apple trees chiefly. 80 acres cleared balance woods. Site for water Machinery. George Hottle Ex. Nov. 7,

Strasburg Hotel. the slaves of Joseph Stover dec'd will be hired out....

Died Suddenly on Sunday evening last in the 22nd year of his age Mr. Isaac Bowman son of Daniel Bowman Sr. of North River of this County.


Married Major George cooper to Mrs. Magdalena Bowman widow of the late Benjaman Bowman.

Died 62nd year. Mrs. Catherine Catlett widow of Charles Catlett sister of John Gatewood.

Mr. John R. Smith to Miss Catharine Hazel all of Strasburg March 6, 1822

John Gatewood Sheriff Shenandoah County.

April 10, 1922 Mr. William Coffman to Miss Mary Hass dau of Mr. Jacob Hass dec. all of this County.

On Tuesday 9th Mr. Archibald Finley Jr. to Miss Isabella Lockmiller of this County.

April 17, 1822 Died Peter Gatewood son of John Gatewood 31 years. Family burying grounds near Strasburg. Died Sunday morning at Roamers Tavern Woodstock

May 22nd 1822 Married Mr. David Crawford merchant to Miss Elizabeth Gaw day of Robert Gaw.

Married Dublin County N. C.. Mr. Jacob Mathles aged 111 to Mrs. Sellers aged 119.


Died Mrs. Susannah Kelps 86 April 16, 1823.

Wilkinson's Tavern Strasburg

Dr. Ruben Moore practices at Winkinson's Tavern Strasburg.

Dr. G. M. Brinker room adjoining Mr. Hupps Store

May 1837

Dr. Jacob Stickley surgeon, Dentist, Millers Tavern, Strasburg

Jacob Bucks moved his Pottery to the Main Street Woodstock August 23, 1837 opposite Romey's Blacksmith Shop.

John Stover will Wife.... Daughter Rebecca wife of Abraham Algir 100 acres Briston Township Turnbull county Ohio revert to children at death of Rebecca. Son Samuel Stover 100 acres same as above purchased from Christian Keagey life estate for Samuel. Son Jacob Stover 2 tracts 296 acres same as above life estate. Son Abraham Stover all land in Hardy County Virginia purchased from Goehenour life estate. Son Joseph all lands in Shenandoah county, house stock farming utensils household kitchen furniture money etc. that he make a good durable and substantial stone fence around the family grave yard on the farm which I reside. 4 poles square containing 16 square poles July 9, 1851. Purchaser at Stover sale Joseph O. Stover John S. Stover Jermiah H. Kins Philip Stover John Pirkey Jacob Funk John J. Finley Samuel H. Sonner Augustus C. John G. Dosh George Copenhaver Abraham Fauver Jacob Kern George M. Sonner David Stickley John H. Sonner Samuel Spiker Jacob Stover Margaret Stover John S. Stover Mary Stover James Taylor John Miller Samuel Bly William Keith Levi Stickley Wm. Rosenberger Sarah C. Sibert Levi Pitman Richard Sonner G. A. Hupp Henry Keister

Calvin Sonner cal@shentel.net